Mentors of the First Generation in Mentorship Workshops of the PMI Serbia Chapter

This year 2024, the Mentorship Workshops program was conducted for the first time as a pilot project by the local PMI Chapter. Over six months, 12 mentors and 14 participants met in one-on-one mentorship sessions, either online or in person, to discuss various topics and solve puzzles from the everyday life of a professional project manager. The most experienced members had the opportunity to pass on some of their knowledge, experience, and spirit to the younger generation, while young professionals had the freedom to ask the mentors anything they were curious about but couldn’t ask their boss. The sessions also included advice on job searching, further education, employment recommendations, informal gatherings over PMI breakfasts or dinners, and more.

As the overall impressions of all participants were highly positive, we have decided to continue this program annually, with some modifications. Through this first cycle, we gained experience that will help us make the next program even more effective and impactful.

Every September or October, a new call for participants (project managers with up to 3 years of experience or final-year university students) and mentors (PM professionals with over 10 years of experience and at least one PMI certification) will be announced, and the cycle will last about 3-4 months, depending on public holidays.

We owe special thanks to the first generation of mentors in this program, who participated ad hoc in creating the program itself. Through their creativity, goodwill, persistence, and extensive experience, they laid an excellent foundation for all future generations of mentors who will apply for this program. Each mentor is an exceptional professional in their field, often a business owner or on their way to becoming one, and we are particularly honored that they found time in their busy schedules to volunteer and share some of their precious time with young colleagues.
