Prijavite se za Project Society Conference 2024!

Udruženje za upravljanje projektima – PMI Ogranak Srbija (PMI Serbia Chapter) organizuje svoju jedanaestu godišnju konferenciju 8. novembra 2024. godine, na temu upotrebe veštačke inteligencije u upravljanju projektima sa fokusom na ljudske vrednosti. Kroz predavanja, učesnici ovogodišnje konferencije moći će da čuju o uticaju veštačke inteligencije na upravljanje projektima, mogućnostima koje nudi, ali i novim izazovima koji se nalaze na putu uspešnog upravljanja projektima. Biće reči i o etici upotrebe veštačke inteligencije, kako organizacije koje koriste podatke za poboljšanje operacija i donošenje odluka imaju bolje rezultate pri primeni veštačke inteligencije, ali i liderstvu u eri veštačke inteligencije. Takođe, učesnici će moći i da podele svoje mišljenje, postave pitanja, pokrenu mnoge diskusije i upoznaju kolege iz oblasti upravljanja projektima. Kako je networking važan deo događaja poput ovog, za vreme pauza će učesnici moći da upoznaju kolege iz oblasti, razmene kontakte, a možda i po koju ideju za saradnju!

Sa velikim iščekivanjem idemo u susret događaju koji tradicionalno okuplja projektne menadžere iz skoro svih poslovnih oblasti, kao što su finansije i bankarstvo, IT, građevinarstvo, telekomunikacije, saobraćaj, zdravstvo, obrazovanje, naučno-istraživačke i akademske institucije, kao i javni sektor. Tokom prethodne dve godine, naša konferencija je okupila preko 250 gostiju po događaju, uključujući stručnjake iz biznisa i upravljanja projektima, koji su imali priliku da prisustvuju diskusijama na teme kao što su upravljanje rizicima, izazovi organizacione transformacije, sa posebnim naglaskom na ulogu projektog menadžera kao centralne figure.

Pridruži nam se u petak, 8. novembra 2024. godine, u hotelu Metropol Palace, proširi svoju mrežu poslovnih kontakata, saznaj šta je najnovije u svetu upravljanja projektima i zaradi 7 PDU bodova.

The project management association – PMI Serbia Chapter is organizing its eleventh annual conference on November 8th, 2024, on the topic of the use of artificial intelligence in project management with a focus on human values. Through lectures, participants of this year’s conference will learn about the impact of artificial intelligence on project management, the opportunities it offers, as well as new challenges on the path to successful project management. There will also be discussions about the ethics of using artificial intelligence, data-driven organizations as the foundation for AI, and leadership in the era of artificial intelligence. Also, participants will have the chance to share their opinions, ask questions, spark many discussions, and meet colleagues from different fields of project management. Since networking is an important part of events like this one, participants will be able to meet industry peers during the breaks, exchange contacts, and perhaps even collaborate on new ideas!

We are eagerly anticipating the event, which traditionally gathers project managers from nearly all business sectors, such as finance and banking, IT, construction, telecommunications, transportation, healthcare, education, research and academic institutions, as well as the public sector. Over the past two years, our conference has hosted more than 250 guests per event, including experts in business and project management, who had the opportunity to attend discussions on topics such as risk management, the challenges of organizational transformation, with a special emphasis on the role of the project manager as a central figure.

Join us on Friday, November 8, 2024, at the Metropol Palace Hotel, expand your business network, discover the latest trends in the world of project management, and earn 7 PDU points.

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Lee Roy Lambert

Founder of the PMP

Lee R. Lambert has established the standard against which educators and practitioners in the field of Project Management are measured. Recognized as a PMI Fellow (2009), Lee has trained over 50,000 students, in 23 countries, on the value-added use of the project management process and its associated tools and technique. His unique training style creates an optimal learning experience and a fun educational environment, and earned him PMI’s Professional Development Provider of the Year (2007)


Miša Pavlović

Transformative Leader in Data and AI Management Driving Strategic Innovation and Operational Excellence

As a visionary leader with over two decades of experience in data and AI management, Misa Pavlovic excels in orchestrating large-scale transformations that drive business growth, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage. With a proven track record of success across diverse international settings, Misa leverages a unique blend of technical expertise, strategic acumen, and leadership prowess to deliver innovative solutions that meet the complex demands of today’s digital landscape.


Mila Milenković

Director of Sector for Strategy @ Strategy and Digital Division at Telekom Srbija

Strong leadership skills supported by a broad technical and extensive business development and business strategy experience, with a demonstrated history of working in the telecommunications industry both locally and internationally are what provided Mila with an opportunity to excel in her career. Passionate about business and product development, as well as people and project management, Mila builds and motivates successful teams to deliver results on time and within budget.


Aneliya Chervenova

Senior Product Owner, Medical CRM at GSK & VP Professional Development at PMI Bulgaria Chapter

Aneliya Chervenova is a volunteer of the PMI Bulgaria Chapter, leading the professional development domain with a passion for AI in PM. With more than 15 years in the life sciences industry, she excels in global leadership within the Tech Department. As a Senior Product Owner, she combines industry expertise, strategic thinking, and technical knowledge to optimize a multichannel CRM in the context of omnichannel strategies for more than 40 countries. She recently collaborated on a Global PMI Chapter-led initiative, contributing to an AI and Project Management report that explores the dynamic AI landscape in project management, covering regional nuances, global talent competition, and the need for skill evolution in the face of advancing technology.


Renato Zadro

Chief Solution Expert for Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management at SAP

Renato is responsible for the definition, strategy and roll-out of SAP’s Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management (EPPM) solution. He works with development teams, consulting and field organizations to ensure solution’s market readiness and global commercial success. During his 27 years at SAP, he held various positions in Product Engineering, Product Management and Solution Management with a strong focus on developing business success in the area of Project Management, Product Lifecycle Management and Finance.





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Metropol Palace Hotel

Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 69, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia